Sea Bands and Apple Juice

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Good Evening!

We are now nine weeks and two days. Whoo hoo! I go to the doctor a week from today. I am so excited and beyond NERVOUS!!!  I am still terrified that something could be wrong with the baby or that there is no fetus in my belly. I am sure all my worries are for nothing, but I just can not help it. We have started making our question list. I would like to be able to paint and some baby books have said  that it is okay, but hearing from a doctor will ease my mind. I have a whole long list and it seems to grow everyday. I am sure the appointment is going to take a few hours.

So I promised baby bump pictures. I do not really have much of a “bump” at the moment, but soon enough. The “bump” that you see is mostly gas. Lovely huh?

Here are the shots from eight weeks.

Alright so let’s see….. How am I feeling??? Pretty much nauseous all the time. When we went on our family cruise this summer, I bought these wrist bands called Sea Bands. They pretty much use pressure on your wrists to keep you from feel sick. I did not end up needing them, but my mother in law did and she said they worked pretty good.  Two Sundays ago, I was feeling really really bad and sent Ty to the store to pick up a pair for me. I put them on and within minutes I started feeling better. I have worn them everyday since. Now they are not the most fashionable item, but they seem to help. However, I still feel nauseous through the bands.  They just allow me to work and not have to focus on how bad I feel. I am getting sick a decent bit.  I can honestly say that I hope and pray that I am not one of those poor women who are sick throughout their whole pregnancy. I can not get anything done.  If it is not a must do, then it does not get done. I have not really fixed dinner in weeks. Poor Ty is stuck eating random things in the freezer and in the pantry. He gets pretty creative. I have been trying to go to the pet store for about a three days now because the dogs are on their last bag of food, but I just start feeling sick and head home. The couch and bed are my best friends now. It is so sad, but in the end of all this there will be a baby so it is worth it! I am kind of hoping the doctor will give me something for the nausea.

I will post again next week!!! Once we get the okay from the doctor that the baby is fine we are ordering the pregnancy announcement cards. As soon as they come in the mail, we are planning on calling families!

Love to all!




Morning Sickness and the Belly Bump

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Good Evening All!

We are approaching the completion of week 7. We are still beyond excited about Baby Rose!! I am really feeling those first trimester symptoms. To say I am nauseous would be an understatement.  It takes me a good portion of the morning to get going and feeling well enough to get anything done.  I can easily take two naps a day and still sleep through the night.  It is the craziest thing. I feel a little worthless around the house. It took me two days to get up enough energy to vacuum and mop the floor. I start work back full time on Monday, so I guess we shall see how that goes. Ty has been so helpful and understanding.  All I can say is I hope these next six weeks fly by. I am ready to not be nauseous 95% of the time, not to mention we get to tell everyone the great news then too!

Since I am not going to see most of you at all or maybe once during my pregnancy, I decided to take some belly bump shots. I found these great belly stickers, pretty much the same things as the monthly markers for when the baby comes.  You stick them to your shirt to document how far along you are. Next week I will be able to do my first one, since they start at 8 weeks.

I am not sure how I will look the day I take the picture, but I have been having such gas and bloating that some days it looks like I am well into my 2nd trimester. I have been teasing Ty that we are having twins!! I did do some minor research about twins have twins. On a couple different sites, they say a female fraternal twin has a 1 in 17 chance of having fraternal twins herself.  Interesting fact…..

Love you all!

Doctors, Girl or Boy, and Sisters

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Good Evening Folks!

So in the previous post, I talked about when our first doctor’s appointment was scheduled to happen.  It was supposed to happen tomorrow! Well… that is not going to happen.  I started reading in my books and online about when the first doctor’s appointment should be.  Most sources say 8-12 weeks is the prime initial visit time.  My appointment was for 6.5 weeks. Everything I was reading said that the doctor may or may not be able to see the heart beat that early. So… Ty and I talked and we decided to reschedule. There is just no reason to pay to go to a doctor’s visit with no guarantee of seeing the heart beat. If we did not see it, I would just worry for weeks! Our new appointment is at ten weeks on September 13th. I also switched doctors. The one they assigned me at first did not get good review anywhere I read.  Since we were changing the appointment I went ahead and changed the doctor as well.

On to more exciting news! Boy or Girl?? I have tried all sorts of non-medical tests. I have done the Chinese Gender Prediction test, the wedding ring and string test, online quizzes, etc.  All of the tests have told me we are having a BOY! Now those  of you out there rooting for a boy, don’t get too excited! These things are just for fun. 🙂 However, me being the planner that I am, have already picked out fabric and color schemes for boy or girl.

For a girl, we are going to paint the walls the blue. The other colors are for painted crib, dresser, book shelf, and storage cabinet. Not sure which color yet though! 

The fabric for baby girl is sweet and feminine, but not pink overload! I have had this  stuff for a while now. You never know when a fabric will be out of stock and gone forever. 😉

Here is the baby boy paint choices. The walls would be the aqua and all the furniture will be gray. The other colors are for accents throughout the room.

Baby boy fabric choices are so fun! I have not picked up  the coordinating fabrics for this one yet, but I know what they are. I will keep everyone updated as the gender is reveled and the progress of the room. We won’t start decorating til after Thanksgiving, since we will have a few guests here and  will need the guest bedrooms. We should know the gender sometime in November.


As the days pass, I am finding it harder and harder to keep my mouth shut about Baby Rose! I have talked to Autumn, Jessica, Amber, Julie, and Anna since I found out that we are pregnant. In most cases, we have talked about when Ty and I would start trying and babies. Just let me say now that ladies I am so sorry for fibbing to you!!! I want to tell you so badly, but I also want to make sure the baby is doing well before the announcement is made! It will only be a few more weeks. Of course since ya’ll have no idea what is coming, we are the ones who have to count the days! 🙂

Love you all and will post again soon!

Let the Adventure Begin!

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Welcome Friends and Family!!

First off, I would like all of you to know how hard  it is right now to not be able to shout it from the rooftops that we are expecting a baby next year sometime.  We made the choice to wait to tell anyone til we got through the first trimester. But… now that you all know let me tell you the latest news and how we changed our “four year plan”

Back in May, Ty and I started to discuss changing our four year plan a little bit. We were starting to really feel that we were ready to start trying for children. We both wanted our children close in age to their cousins and our friend’s children. Now we also had to take into consideration the fact that Ty’s company was laying off close to 1,600 people  at the beginning of August. I was hesitant to start trying until we knew for sure that he had a job. After talking more about such a huge decision, we decided to go ahead and start trying after we got home from the family cruise we took in  July with the Rose/Terrell family. We kind of figured that it would take a few months to get pregnant. We did not want to tell anyone about our decision, because we had no idea how long it would take to get pregnant. We actually thought it would be a great surprise for both of our families.

So…. after trying throughout the month of July, on August 1st I took a pregnancy test. I had been having minor cramps and a little bit of a backache, but as most women know, those can be signs for that time of  the month. I had been dying to take a pregnancy test (I technically took two late July, but they were too early to be accurate and were negative.) so waiting those five minutes was brutal. I could not just stand there so I took care of the dogs for the morning and then made my way back to the bathroom to read the results. Test #1 was positive……. at this point I was in shock. I took two more tests and watched each test produce two pink  lines. I cried. For pretty much anyone reading this, you know that being a mother has been something I have desired since I was old enough to remember. I mothered my brother for as long as he let me. I have been working with children since the middle of high school. I even started a semi-business creating baby items. Needless to say, those tests were such an amazing gift from God.

All three tests showing the great news!

Well now I know that Baby Rose is coming! The first thing I do is call  my OBGYN. I am shocked to find out that they way they determine if you are pregnant is a home pregnancy test as well. The nurse on the phone explained to me that they do not normally see pregnant women for the first time until they are closer to eight weeks. So I made my appointment for August 18th.After making the appointment, I could not sit still. I was so excited and in a state of disbelief.  I had to get out of the house so I decided to run some errands.

When Ty and I started talking about children, I started thinking about how I wanted to tell him when I found out we were pregnant. I thought about ordering an Alabama onesie or maybe a “My Dad Rocks” onesie from Union28.  I figured I would take him to Cedars, a nice steak house in town that overlooks the river. Oh well… all that went out the window on August 1st! There is no way that I could have kept a secret from him while I waited for some onesie to arrive and we had eaten out twice the week before to celebrate our anniversary and Ty keeping his job. So I moved to Plan B!

I decided to head to Target. I bought a baby onesie, a bottle of  champagne, a bottle of sparkling grape juice,  and some baby books. When I got home I made meatloaf, green beans, and cornflake potato casserole and then just waited til Ty got home. It was really hard to sit still!!! Finally, my husband comes home. We go and sit on the front porch in our rocking chairs and I give him his gift bag with a card, the onesie, and the tests in it.  Needless to say, he was pretty excited!!!

Baby Books Galore

Ty's First Dad item